Loan Cancellations
Loan Cancellations
Under certain conditions, a borrower may have all or part of his or her loan Perkins cancelled. Cancellation means that a portion or all of the principal borrowed plus accrued interest will never have to be repaid by the borrower. Please review the following descriptions, complete the Cancellation Form provided below, and send us a job description. We will review your request and notify you of your eligibility. Examples of Work/Service Loan Cancellation Eligibility are:
- ACTION (Americorp/Vista) Programs
- Child or Family Services
- Early Intervention Services
- Head Start Program
- Law Enforcement or Corrections Officer
- Medical Technician
- Military Service
- Nurse/School Nurse
- Peace Corps
- Teacher
- Firefighter
- Faculty at Tribal University
- Librarian
- Public Defender