Student Obligations
Student Obligations
The students’ registration at Washington State University constitutes a legal obligation to pay for tuition and fees, subject to the University’s refund policy if they officially withdraw. Click here to fully understand the refund policy.
It is the student’s responsibility to maintain his or her address at all times. Go to Address & Telephone Maintenance Service to reconfirm your address.
It is the student’s responsibility to read all correspondence from the University and if they do not understand it, to seek the advice of the department that has sent it.
Past Due Accounts
In the event that you fail to pay your account, causing it to be referred to a collection agency, you are responsible for payment of the account, all additional collection fees, attorney’s fees, and related charges. Delinquent accounts are reported to credit bureaus. This will have a negative impact on your credit history. Transcripts, diplomas and registration will be held.