Strategic Plan

Vision, Mission, Values, Stakeholders, Goals & Objectives, Strategies & Performance Measures


Excel in providing accurate, meaningful information and financial services in a friendly, supportive environment.


The mission of Student Loans is to serve our customers by providing accurate, meaningful information and financial services in a friendly, supportive environment. Provide services in the most efficient manner possible while seeking to improve the quality and quantity of our services. Through advancing technology and effective communication, empower our customers to efficiently access their financial information at their convenience. By recognizing that each customer is unique, strive to assist each one to resolve any problems or remove any obstacles to achieving their goals.


  • Honesty and Integrity: Act in an accurate, professional, prompt, caring and respectful manner. Remain above reproach while safeguarding the assets of the State.
  • Trust and Respect: Base relationships on trust and mutual respect.
  • Service: Aggressively strive to identify and meet the individual needs of our customers and stakeholders.
  • Teamwork: Work together for the common good as self-directed units to accomplish tasks and deliver services.
  • Communication: Open communication with all of our customers.
  • Creativity and Innovation: Cultivate a workplace that encourages creativity, innovation and good work.
  • Responsibility: All individuals are charged with safeguarding the assets of the State and managing our assets in ways that most efficiently and effectively enhance and support the missions of the University.
  • Lifelong Learning: Encourage every individual to enhance their personal and professional growth.
  • Accountability and Flexibility: Accept responsibility and adapt to change to enhance effective and efficient services.
  • Continuous Improvement: Recognize that opportunities may arise from change.
  • Diversity: Recognize and respect diverse cultures, beliefs, abilities and social roles. Foster community through mutual respect and regard for all individuals.


  • Students
  • Parents
  • WSU Administration and Departments
  • General Public
  • Board of Regents
  • Government Agencies
  • Educational Institutions
  • Third Party Donors
  • Third Party Guarantors
  • Credit Bureaus
  • Collection Agencies


Goal 1:

The University Receivables Office will strive to continue to provide services to students and departments that meet or exceed industry standards as compared to peer institutions

Objective 1.1:Develop the one stop shopping service concept, initiating the inverted pyramid concept.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduction of required office visits by students
  • Reduction in the number of phone calls
  • Increased customer satisfaction measured by their feedback


  • URO resources
  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services resources

Objective 1.2:Enhance Student Account web page to offer customers greater ease in paying specific charges via credit card or cougar cash card.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • WEB counter to track activity
  • Reduction of required office visits by students
  • Reduction in the number of phone calls
  • Reduction in the number of payments received via mail services


  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services resources

Objective 1.3:Offer more choices for customers via the web by adopting portal or similar technology.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Web counters
  • Customer satisfaction surveys


  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services resources

Objective 1.4: Make entrance and exit counseling available on the web

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduction in number of required office visits to conduct entrance and exit interviews
  • Reduction in number of entrance and exit interview packets mailed
  • Web counters


  • URO resources
  • Computing Services resources
  • Secure technologies

Objective 1.5: Make loan promissory notes and other disclosures available on the web

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduction in the number of required office visits
  • Reduction in receipt of documents through the mail
  • Reduction in number of phone inquiries
  • Web counters


  • URO resources
  • Computing Services resources
  • The U.S. Department of Education regulations presently restrict electronic signatures.

Objective 1.6: Using electronic signature software, make paying bills simple for students by debiting their accounts electronically.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduction of check handling
  • Self-service payment process empowers customers
  • Increased customer satisfaction

Constraints: URO resources, Computing resources

Objective 1.7: Provide for an on-line check writing program, giving all WSU campuses the capability to issue a refund check immediately at that campus.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators: Increased customer satisfaction


  • Financing
  • URO staff
  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services resources

Objective 1.8: Utilize the Loan Management System for ACH direct payments.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators: Reduction in the number of late payments made

Constraints: URO staffing

Objective 1.9: Develop an electronic (portal?) method to communicate financial information to students.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduction in the number of inquiries via phone
  • Reduction in the number of required office visits


  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services Resources
  • URO staff

Objective 1.91: Define Waiver Programs, determine office of responsibility

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Accountability
  • Number of waivers
  • Tracking expenditures

Constraints: Personnel, Computing Services resources.

Objective 1.92: Provide Oversight of Special Course Fees

Time Line: Continuously

Performance Indicators:

  • Monitor number of fees
  • Track expenditures
  • Verify departmental requests

Constraints: URO staff limitations.

Objective 1.93: Continue to provide and improve financial aid delivery via direct deposit, credit to Cougar Cash card or check.

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Spring 2001 levels confirm $35 million in aid delivered, up $1.7 million
  • Excess aid delivered of $17.2 million as follows: 3,245 checks totaling (46%) $7.9 million
  • Direct deposits 3,135 totaling (54%) $9.3 million.


  • Effectively communicating direct deposit benefits
  • Communicating availability of Cougar Cash card

Objective 1.94: Develop Web billing

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduced postage costs
  • Reduced printing costs


  • Customer acceptability
  • Customer skill level
  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services resources.

Objective 1.95: Evaluate BRS for functionality and compatibility with changing business practices.

Time Line: As necessary

Performance Indicators:

  • Reduction of manual intervention of the automated system
  • Increased versatility


  • URO resources
  • URO staffing
  • Computing Services resources
  • Interface with other university systems

Objective 1.96: Enhance collection procedures

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Improved efficiency in services provided to clients
  • Reduction in percentage of current write off level


  • URO staff
  • BRS System resources
  • Computing Services resources

Goal 2:

Retain and train staff that best support the University’s mission and goals

Objective 2.1: Provide for continuing professional development of staff

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Number of employees taking courses
  • Number of employees attending workshops, conferences and seminars


  • Number of employees that can be away from their job at any one time
  • Availability of funds
  • Limited Time frames

Objective 2.2: Utilize cross-training and cross-organizational responsibilities whenever possible within job classifications to provide department depth

Time Line: Continuous

Performance Indicators:

  • Provide a cooperative work atmosphere for enhanced job performance and customer service
  • Arrive at a balance of resources and workload

Constraints: Number of employees who can be cross-trained simultaneously

Objective 2.3: Focus on teamwork, encouraging two way communications, acknowledging accomplishments and outlining priorities.

Time Line: Continuously

Performance Indicators: A cohesive working team

Constraints: May require additional meetings or training sessions to develop skills.

Goal 3:

Continuous Strategic Process Evaluation Meetings

Objective 3.1: old staff meetings to evaluate what goals: 1) have been met, 2) need to be updated, 3) had not previously been recognized and need to be added, 4) what goals, if any, we need to be abandon.

Time Line: On-going; no less than semi-annually

Performance Indicators:

  • Number of meetings held
  • Percentage of staff involved in the process
  • Number of goals met

Goal 4:

Improve Efficiency

Objective 4.1: Evaluate our processes and procedures to maintain what is working well, avoid duplication of effort, reduce risk.

Objective 4.2: Learn, discuss, review and evaluate best business practices of peers.

Objective 4.3: Stay abreast of the changes in governmental laws, regulatory rules and practices by continuing to examine and evaluate the way we do business.

Time Line: Continuously

Performance Indicator:

  • Increased efficiencies
  • Reduced time spent on tasks
  • Quicker and more accurate responses to customers


  • URO staff
  • BRS resources
  • Utilize data from Student Services Task Force as it is developed