Status update: Touchnet, Core One Step, and WSU

This article originally appeared in the WSU Insider.

As many of you know, WSU is transitioning to Touchnet from Core One Step for our cashiering/payment processing needs throughout the WSU system. In response to some system challenges, we are extending our contract with Core One Step, for a few more months, to allow us additional time to transition.

Touchnet will offer several of the following software integrations:

  • Student Cashiering – The cashier office locations that currently serve students and process payments in myWSU, will be implementing this solution to take student payments (Cash and Check) in-person
  • Payment Client – This will assist with in-person, non-Student payments (Credit Card, Cash, eCheck) that are currently processed in myWSU.
  • Marketplace U-Store/POS – Non-student payments (Credit Card, Cash, eCheck) can be taken online or in-person, that integrate into Workday.
  • UPay Link – This is for those who already have a site set up and just need a link to be able to take payments, that integrate into Workday.

We are planning campus visits in the month of April to review business processes, assist with any outstanding issues/questions and demo/install necessary equipment.

The current schedule is as follows:

  • April 6 – Vancouver
  • April 7 – Spokane
  • April 14 – Tri-Cities

Please continue your current processes until you have heard from the Bursar Office about transitioning over to Touchnet.

Questions? Concerns? Please email:

More information to come!